S.P.University External Courses Admission 2014. S.P. university Vallabh vidhya nagar published Notification about Admission 2014/2015 external Courses. MA./M.Com and BA./B.Com External Prospectus for All Courses available from Store Section Room No. 108, at Sardar Patel University.
Detail about S.P.University External Courses Admission 2014
- Date for receipts of Application form: 21-07-2014
- Last Date for receipts of Application form: 31-08-2014
Application Form:The application Form can be available from store section of the Sardar Patel University Room No.108.
How to filling the Application Form: Please fill up Application Form in a clear and legible hand writing providing all the relevant information, as required. Affix a passport size photograph in the relevantbox on the ApplicationForm and Exam Form.
Student from Sardar Patel University:
Students who have completed their undergraduate studies from any of the colleges affiliated to Sardar Patel University have to submit a Transfer Certificate from the college/institution last attended along with the all others marksheet duly attested Student form Other Universities in and
Outside Gujarat:
A Student migrating from any other University, or statutory Examining Body in Gujarat or outside Gujarat and seeking admission to this University should have to submit Eligibility Certificate from this University Application form for Eligibility Certificate will be available from the store
section, Sardar Patel University on payment of Rs. 25/-The marksheet will be available in due course after the declaration of the result, from concerned External Section. You are informing to bring original Hall Ticket and Fee receipt at the time of marksheet collection.
Click here for official Detail in PDF