Gujarat Shikshan Sahayak Merit List 2014 Declared By GSERB. Recently GSERB Declared Merit list of Shikshan Sahayak Merit List (Higher Secondary Teacher) 2014. Cnadidates can check it online through official website. here i give to you all Subject vise Detail and official Link for Download Merit list. Kindly check it Below link. As we know that totla number of posts are 327 and post name is Shikshan Sahayak.
Gujarat Shikshan Sahayak Merit List 2014 Declared By GSERB
- Economy
- English
- Stat
- Math
- Gujarati
- Biology
- Tarkshashtra
- Account & Commerce
- Geography
- Physics
- Psychology
- Chemistry
- Physical Training
- Sociology
- Sanskrit
- Hindi
For more Details Kindly visit official website :
please help me. st vala shathe ken anyay thay che.tat pass kare to pan job malti nathi.