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  1. Send me new post on this mail id

    1. hi, Asif if you want new post on your email z subscribe our blog post updates.

    2. How I can get my old application form from ojas?

  2. I m Nilesh plz new post send me via email

    1. hi,Nilesh
      if you want all updates in your mail id,then subscribe our daily news letter service via can see subscribe box in front page.enter your email id and then click below button.

      1. hi
        need your help regarding GPSSB post

        1. Hi,
          I am also facing problem in GPSSB for online payment.
          Don’t know how and it will resolve.

        2. Taviyad aruna rumalbhai

          My junior Clark call letter not a download

    2. Gpsc Assist engineer civil engineer add my engineer completed January month Result Receive and February month gpsc exam so why fill up from?

  3. Shah Bhavik Kiranbhai

    Please A New Job Ok

    1. Application form not found
      I have filled GSRTC/1819/20 form in January and my application form is not found, is there any other way to get my application form. I have my application number and confirmation number.

      1. Found your application form ???
        Same problem

      2. Application form not print how show ?


          Found your application form ???
          Same problem

    2. I have lost my vmc junior clerk application form so it can be downloaded again plz help me

  4. Rao Amit kumar Narendra bhai

    Government job alert message

  5. Pls send me government job alert msg on my gmail ac

  6. please add my email for job alert message.

    1. Joshi Alpeshkumar P

      સાહેબ તાજેતરમાં ચાલી રહેલ તલાટી કમ મંત્રીની જાહેરાતના ફોર્મ ભરાતા નથી તો તમારી વેબસાઈટના ગુણવત્તા તત્કાલીક સુધારો કરવા વિનંતી છે. પ્લીઝ વાત ધ્યાન પર લઈ લાખો યુવાનોની સમસ્યાનું સમાધાન કરો.

  7. hi i want updates about job in airforce as well as in indian army so can suggest me what i have to do ??????

    1. you can check official Site for updates and online application

  8. plz send me new post and job alert msg…..plz my email id account

  9. plz send me new job alert

    1. Send your resume on our Email id

    2. Send your latest CV on our Email id

  10. send me email about Gpsc filled forms

  11. Please inform us via sms whether result is declared for any government exam taken. Please share this with superior authority. Why don’t they send us sms that your result for xyz exam has been declared please check this website for result or else send us the result itself by sms. Thanks in advance. Hope this may come true in future.

    1. How can I get old application form?I applied in 2014.

  12. Hi sir
    I have small problem to apply gujarat police recruitment
    it seen Every time my email id isn’t valid
    Solution plz fast

    1. Contact official Department

      1. please contanct your number

  13. Army ma job karvi 6y

    1. Job mate army ni bharti ma apply karo.

  14. Government new job alert message

    1. bookmark our site for daily based free job updates

      1. Sir mare computer instuctor and IT instructor mate apply karelu .bhul thi 2 chalan computer instuctor na bharai Gaya 6e. Mare change karvu 6e

  15. imrankhan yasinkhan pathan

    sir / mam
    my contacts no 9723580922
    mare mysy na address pr mara documents mokal vache bcz me scholarship mate apply kryu htu ane me je bank nu account aapyu htu aema adharcard atech natu kryu so plz help me and send me address of MYSY I’m waiting your response sir

    1. plz Contact official Department.

  16. parmar sanjaykumar pravinbhai

    plz government new job alert

    1. you have to check our website on regular based.

  17. Are you going to upload Answer key of chemistry exam of 11 th HSC Gujarat board before starting the exam.

    1. Plz Check official Answer key link. we already put in our post.

  18. On my new gmail id add to ojas udates new job vacencies..
    Your needfully

  19. Please informe everbody job vacencies, in my
    Raju Rathod


    1. Plz Check official notification for all Details


    Sir i have paid fees or confirmed application on the post of 32/201617/14900 but till 1 month no any k8nd of message or mail come on my mobile or mail ? So what my application is conformed or not

    1. Contact Official department.

  22. New job alert

    1. YEp. here We Provides latest New Jobs News.

  23. Harsh Manojbhai Pathak

    We shall highly obliged if your good honor will regularly send us Govt. and bank recruitment details on my following email id.

    1. You need to subscribe our Email ID. after That You can get Regular updates.

  24. Mane 10 12 pass pachije job hoy aena number mane email pr athva mara no pr janavo (7046014292)

    1. First you need to send Cv to our Email ID after that you can Check Your Matching Job.

  25. dear sir and mam talati cum mantri this webside its a not work what i have to do …. please sir reply urgently then call me on this number 95588i1097

    1. Diwan, Talati application form Last date already Gone. yo cannot Submit application now.

  26. ojas pe mahiti accept kyu nahi ho rahi

    1. Dear mukesh. if lsat Date for Online application is Close. after that you cant Submit particular Job Form.

  27. Pallavi Jagdishchandra Vadera

    Sir, i have applied through online for advt no 105 of 2016-17 for education service class-1, i have received confirmation number but had not print the application, now i m trying but not getting the option for the print application. even i had not received any confirmation mail on my email address as well as i have not received any mail of documents submission. What should i do ? My all friends have received confirmation mail
    Sir, you reply me at the earliest.
    Thanks and Regards

  28. hey find latest ojas ebook news

    1. yes, you can find ebook at here.

  29. Hi..i want to official department of ojas email id and contact no. I have toll free no but this no always busy..please give me contact details..

    1. Due to many call This problem. but you should Try again and again

  30. Plz sir muje job ki bahut jarur h so plz sir new job h to plz sir muje Batana plz…mene guj.sub me b.ed ,A M kiya h

  31. 10th,12th and iti fitter pass muje job ki jaruet he

    1. Send your updated Resume on our Email iD>

    hallo sir muje job ki jyada jarurt hai plz halp me me 10th pass hu

    1. my number 7359530571 muje nukri bahut jarut hai

      1. you need to send your latest CV To us

    2. Send your latest Resume on Our Email ID

  33. I have made mistake in filling now how to rectify it?

    1. Vishal VINODBHAI Ughrejiya

      Hello sir I have filled form in assistant depo manager, my confirmation number is 40905990,and my Birth date is 24/03/1996, but it shows my application is cancelled what is the reason

  34. Please muje nokari ki jarurat hi 7698503907

    1. Jaypal, Send your Resume on Our email id. if Possible We will notify you.

  35. Aniruddhsinh vikramsinh gohil

    my confirmation number is empty

    1. Contact official Department.

  36. When will you giving a talati result ?

  37. Government Job and be mechanical job message me

  38. Amit Jayendrabhai Solanki

    Hello Sir,
    I am amit solanki.
    I was attend the forest guard exam and pass the first level exam.
    After then the merit list and revised merit list declared. In both list my name is there.
    And when I download the second level exam. At that time OJAS give the “APPLICATION NOT FOUND” error.
    What should I do?

  39. Hi,
    I am Parth dave, i just need to ask for after 12th science jobs and i m really good in Maths and computer, if you guys have any job related to me so just tell me so i can apply for that so i can start job.

  40. Bsc running. Name Kamlesh patel my no 9913451907

    1. after BSE You can apply Graduate based jobs.

      1. Agar confirm number nhi pata or application number bhi nahi pata to hum confirm number kese milega mujko

  41. manisha b panchal

    I forgot to print application form for staff nurse. I paid fees to post office also. how I print that application ?

    1. Dear Manisha, check official OJAS Website and Submit all details in call letter Download Section.

  42. Gsssb head clerk/ social welfare inspector na call letter download thata nathi and ojas site open thati nathi

    1. Some Times Weekly maintenance or Server error, Site Was Close. Try after Sometimes.

  43. Sir plz give me toll free number of GSSSB

    1. Check GSSSB / OJAS official Website.

  44. GSSSB website ૦૭૯-૨૩૨૫૬૩૩૨ this num bt no one can receive this num..
    So plz give me if u know sir

  45. Give me answer plz sir

    1. Can you Tell me Details Laxma, What Do you Want to Know.??

  46. Hi,
    i have try to fill form of BMC Assistant Programmer, but i have give error “Sorry Your Experience is less than 3 year you can’t apply”
    i have enter date 12/02/2012 to 30/06/2015, and show me above error.
    i have enter each fill correctly but not success, also i have try all the browser to fill this form, but same error.
    also call on ojas help line number but they not answer correctly.
    can you please help ?

    1. Contact official Department or you need to check official notification of BMC Gujarat Bharti Recruitment 2017

      1. Hi,
        Can you please give me telephone number or mobile number ?
        i have try to call on BMC but no one can receive call.

      2. Can you please give me contact number ?

  47. My Htat Seat number send me.

    1. You need to check HTAT Seat number at official Website of Vidhyasahayak

  48. gsssb staff-nurse 108 and 123 Ni exam kyare avse?

    1. GSSSB Exam updates available Very Soon. you can also Check at official GSSSB Website also.

  49. Hello, I have submitted all the detail and also the fee for GPSC (adv. no. 121), but still, I am not getting the call later. What causes are there?????
    Kindly reply me.
    Thanks & Regards.

    1. Bhoomika, Contact official Department Regarding This issue.

  50. Sir already 3 months Thai gaya GSSSB-108 staff nurse….no notification no exam date….Can u tell us tentative date for exam??

    1. Hello gv me reply

  51. Hi I was just looking at your website such a Wonderful Website.

  52. what will be approximate month for upcoming GUJARAT PSI EXAM 2017-2018?

  53. thakor dharmendra c.

    Sir mare tet 2 na form MA bhul Thai 6e ane chalan bhari didhu 6e to hu farithi form bhari chalan bhari davu to form reject thay?

    1. thakor dharmendra c.

      Aaje last date 6e please jldi answer apo

  54. Pls send me new post via mail

    1. Subscribe our Services, you need to send your Details on our inbox like Resume, cv etc..

  55. I have completed Diploma in computer engineering from Gandhinagar I have taken 12 equivalent certificate and want to appear for police in August 2017 am I eligible for giving request ?

    1. August 2018, as per news paper. no official Announcement.

  56. when well be declare food safety examination date???

  57. When will be declare Examination date food safety department “class-3”

  58. if any requirements of bba and pgdca plz inform me

    1. Send your latest Resume on our Email. We will Try to find BBA, PGDCA Related Job for you.

  59. Sir plz help me tet2 exam by my mistake change the exam medium so my medium Gujarati, change Hindi so plz any process plz reply me

    1. Contact official department. We cannot Change particular Exam form or Application form. you can edit at official Site.

  60. this platform that helps people to access Jobs news and Gujarat Jobs news as well as Govt Job search.

    1. yup, Very true. you can Easily Access and search here latest Jobs News.

  61. Hi, I recently filled up a form of GPSC Class 2 Assistant Engineer Civil.
    I have one mistake in the form about not selecting one option of Gujarati Language. What should i d fr correction? Encase i fill a new form d the old one get rejected and a new ne is generated?

    1. i think, ravat. you Should Contact official GPSC Department for application form and Other Details.

      1. I am contacting them from 4 days but no one is picking up the phone.Big problem.

  62. I forgot to paid tet 2 fee.
    Can I give the examination
    Any advice??

  63. my gpsc 09/201415 roll no.was 101008857
    birth date 22/01/1983
    i have lost my confirmation no.

    1. you need to contact official GPSC Department.

  64. i have corrections in my application form and it is confirmed what i should do now

    1. No need to check. if you have any doubt Plz Contact official Department.

  65. hello sir,
    i want to apply for Gujarat high court English stenographer class 2 exam, in the advertisement they have asked for certificate showing speed in English shorthand 120 wpm. but they have not specified whether i have to show government certificate or any private institute certificate is valid. can you please give me information regarding it.

    1. Devanshi, As per My Views Check official notification and Detail or always Govt approved Certificate for computer prefers.

  66. send me New Post on this email id

    1. Bhavan, Must Check our Website Regular based for all latest Govt Jobs and Other Important updates.

  67. ojas messages alert

  68. Hello OJAS Gujarat,
    I saw you tweeting about system and thought you might be interested in the Biggest Launch
    opportunity of 2017. i also Share your Website

  69. I enjoy, result in I discovered just what I was having a look for You’ve ended my 4 day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man Have a nice day.

    1. We Really Like if you are Enjoying To Read Our Blog.

  70. GSSSB/201617/108 Exam Date plz??

    1. No idea. Must check official PDF file notification of GSSSB jobs Bharti 2017 and Exam info.

  71. Hey there help me out i have completed my computer engineering and am 12th pass i want to apply for constable do help me out with notifications thank you

    1. Simmy, Must check official post Detail and Online application form Date.

  72. Good site

  73. I am not able to upload photo for my application. I satisfied all criteria like jpg format, size should be less than 15 kB but still they are showing”Invalid format”. Their contact number is also not working.
    Please guide me.Thank you for your support.

    1. must check official website or Contact official Department.

  74. Hello Sir,
    I have unable to generate Payment receipt of belif exam and i check Hc ojas site but not getting advertise number in fees pay please advice for generate payment receipt?.

  75. Post ma fee bharwanu Baki rahi gayu che ane date pan nikdi gai che have mare su karwu?

    1. you cannot edit if all application date has been completed.

    2. GPSSB/202122/12
      Confirmation number 82369826
      Application print Mokalo sir please

  76. jadeja ghanshyamsinh

    sir, i lost my fee receipt paid to post by offline, and i have my hall ticket for gpsc exam, am i able to give this exam? and what if they ask me about fee payment?

  77. sir.gujarat goverment ma UTTAR PRADESH STATE OPEN SCHOOL ni marksheet valid chhe?me 10th&12th pass karyu chhe.pls sir mane mahiti apone.pls

    1. its depends on job by job details. Must check official Advertisement Notification.

  78. Sir mara educations na documents all maharashtra state che to su hu gujrat govt job ma apply kari saku k nahi. Hu pela rehto hato maharashtra ma have gujrat ma shift thayo chu to su hu ahiyani local govt job ma apply kari saku k

  79. HI


    Hi I am Kiransinh Jagatsinh Suryavanshi
    MY Conductor Application No.GSRTC/201/18/32/68132

  81. I have applied for conductor,vide my application no.GSRTC/201718/32/90021.CHALLAN IS Not being found.plzz look in to the matter and submit me challan at the earliest,so that fees can be deposited with u in time.thanks

  82. ST category ke liye chalan nikalega?


    Dear sir, my registration number is 191878 but on the ojas website not found the registration. please help me my mo number 9601704257 and birthday 05/08/1996
    thank you

  84. I lost application. My name is Mr.PRAHLADBHAI CHAUDHARI my Application: GPSC/201718/37/43448 is Confirmed With No: 40498870. How it meet me sir/madam

  85. Sir/Madam I had filled online ojas application form and submitted but I filled some wrong spelling in the application form so can I fill this form again??

  86. Sir i had filled the staff nurse 2018 form. Application had been confirmed but i had filled only number in regestration number of gujarat nursing council i had not fill A1 H1 before number..So is this valid or can i change it

    1. you can contact official Department.

  87. Hi
    We can help your website to get on first page of Google and increase the number of leads and sales you are getting from your website.
    Please email us back for full proposal.
    Best Regards

  88. prahlad Jagannath kanse

    I want to take admission for M.Tech In Cyber Securities.I Need your structure Pls.

  89. prahlad Jagannath kanse

    How we get application form, and what is the date of filing for admission in M.Tech From Cyber Securities

  90. Send me new post on this gmail id

    1. ok, we will update your gmail. if any doubt, you can contact our admin

  91. I am not able to downloading post challan for Gsrtc examination I got conformation no and I had my application print what can I do

  92. plz give me OJAS toll free no. its urgent for me.

  93. i fill GSRTC/clerk post form. but i can’t give my post office challan. why i paid fees for that.

  94. nasarawa nelajobs

    I’ll right away seize your rss feed as I can’t in finding your e-mail subscription link or e-newsletter service. Do you have any? Please let me know in order that I may subscribe. Thanks.

  95. Please confirm,on 29th July 2018y TET-SEC, Question paper will be Hindi language for those who have filled application and asked for Hindi paper….
    Please reply at earliest.

  96. Do you want to make up to easily job Contact Details?

  97. sir nios result veild in gujrat all bharti plz sir reply

    1. actually you should contact official Recruitment Department.

  98. i am hardik, i have not my application form in pdf and i havent received mail of that form,so pls tell how to get this form????

    1. mr. hardik, you should contact official Department.

  99. ojas website taluka’s dropdown not working while all other drop down is working ok.hence i am not able to register

  100. Thanks for sharing this information.have shared this link with others keep posting such information..


  102. Panchal Krunal kanubhai

    what is Non Creamy layer certificate validity?

    1. Check latest paripatra of Govt…

  103. how to download old application form from ojas .

  104. Sir, Guan seva pasandi mandal no 2019 ni Bharti ma me 2018 ma general category ma apply karyu hatu, hal ma avel jaherat ma Mara thi bhul ma fari vakhat apply thayu, me agal koi process Kari Nathi to su Mari first application rad thay jase?

    1. you can check official Site for Notification

  105. I am request to you please don’t provide post office through payment services when we are filleup the form for the exam through ojas website. because of post office employee have no knowledge about how to payment of that exam fee. and they blocked the site and west our time. one and more time.

    1. already mentioned official link for online application form

  106. I already applied for Gujarat gain seva before this new ad.and also paid fees, after this ad. By misunderstand I applied once again but not done further process, so I want no know that, my first application will reject, which I already paid fees.

    1. Contact official Admin Department. we are just information provider.

  107. Sir, pahli vakhat GSSCB ni jaherat avi tyare me applied Kari hati, tyar bad Fari thi me ews mate appli Kari, pan ews certi. date 7-1-19 hovathi me agal process na Kari, pan have Mari 1st application fees status check Kari chhu to application not found Ave chhe.

  108. I have not made any OTR, but still my mobile number is shown as registered, so I am not able to apply for government jobs

    1. i think should contact official department.

  109. Otp not get by sms to submit application of lab tech

    1. Check your mobile network….

  110. Sir. Maru name kuldip che,
    Sir maro Talati no applit number Nathi Mari pase to mare have Talati ni application download karvu hoy to su Karu ?
    Same problem junior clerk ma aaj problem che.

    1. Post challan hoy to ema hoy and Advertise number hoy e ma thay jay

      1. yes,mr. vivek, you are right.


    1. Check your internet browser setting.

  112. Unable to pay fees online I try it but to network issue it fail.
    And while paying fees online again it shows Application fees cancellation and also unable fees in post office.

    1. Contact your bank, otherwise pay via post-office.

  113. Hi, I had full up my senior clerk form by OTR. When I was going to print my form n chalan the name was showing wrong. It was showing my father name at place of my name.
    I had discussed the same with help line no but they are telling that they can not do anything.
    Why the same is happened with me where I had already fill up lots of application with same OTR and without any problems/error. And now helpline senter is not helping me for the same and making hennds up from my problem.
    Plese do need full as my last hope is this complain only.
    Hope you understand my situation and do needful for my career..

    1. yes, we can understand your situation.

  114. Vasava Jigneshkumar Nurjibhai

    Me bin sachivaloy nu from bhryu che pn sir maro je mobile apyo to ae number j band thai gyo nd email id pn band thai
    gai che sir mane application Nbr nd binsachivaloy no confirmation jarur che plz sir

    1. its not possible. otp always sent on register mobile number.

  115. I have confirmation no., but still my application is not found due to this i m not able to found my call letter . Please help as there are only few days left for exam

    1. Check official site and Contact ojas official admin department.


    Sir conductor vacancy me first aid cirtificate ke liye jyada time lagta he uske bad conductor licence k liye bhi 15 din lagega tab tak to last date online form bharne ke liye khatam ho jayegi to sir please online form ki last date badha Di jaye

    1. You can check it on our Conductor bharti post.

  117. Hi,
    We have a team of 55+ highly qualified professionals who are certified in Google AdWords and ISO standards providing a wide range of services in order to generate higher visitor traffic to your website.
    This ensures that your website gets higher rankings on the search engine pages.
    We offer SEO (with plan & activity) Services at much lower Cost. I’d be happy to send you our package, pricing, and past work details.
    Trina Shick

  118. great website sir, keep it up



    1. its may b temporary server problem..

  120. im unable to login Ojas i have already Register number but Still show Error Please Enter Your Birth Date whenever I have already put my Date of birth

    1. you need to check conformation number…otherwise register again

  121. Today is last day for apply kindly heck issue and resolve

    1. its a;ready decide on official Dates and Information. we cannot change..


    ઓજસ રજીટ્રેસન મારા મોબાઈલ નંબર પર બીજા નું થયું છે મને ખબર નથી તો શું કરવું નંબર બદલવા માટે રાજીટ્રેસન નંબર તથા જન્મ તારીખ જોઈએ તો મને આ કરી આપવા વિનતિ

    1. kindly check mobile number before posting application form.

  123. In LRB national school of open schooling is eligible for because i will passed 12th by it soo plzz reply me.

  124. Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, photo edits, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee.

  125. HI,
    my name is kinnari i have found an error while making payment via ojas for GPSSB recruitment .
    so can you please help me out

    1. try another browser for making online payment.

      1. why another browser???
        This problem is from your end. You must workout for it and fix the problem immediately. Instead of asking students to use another browser.

      2. Tried in another browser still same problem exist.

  126. मेरा फ़ॉर्म कन्फर्म नहीं हुआ है, तारीख पूरी हो गई है ,तो अब क्या किया जाए… अब मुझे कन्फर्म करना है सर्वर लो की वहजसे तब नही कर पाया था…?

  127. hi, good morning I am currently filling out a form of Talati but continuously it was showing an error in saving your form so what should I do please reply the last date is 15 Feb please reply frequently

    1. Wait sometimes due to server error.


    1. Check after sometimes for Call letter or Admitcard of Examination.

  129. not able to print the application form of talati cum mantri 2022 bharti


    1. Check official website

  131. ” You are not able to open because of an error on the page. ”
    This error appears at the time of registration

    1. Check application form process and Step by step guide.

  132. Not able to fill up application form of talati cum mantri 2022 due to server down error please fix it last date is 15 feb.

    1. Try after some times, server error fixed.

  133. i just forgot to note down my application no. now how do i recover it

  134. OTR is not working, I had to fill all the details again.. its Site problem.. plz check it out..

  135. I am facing problem to pay online payment. What I do?

  136. Talati cum mantri nu form bharya pachi save nathi thatu last 2 divas thi try karu chhu ” Error Saving Your Application. Try again later” aevo msg aave 6. Laptop mobile nd different browser try kari joi lidhu 6 .haju aa j error aave 6.

  137. Facing problem with filling up Talati Mantri form and not getting confirmation. It’s saying error while processing. Please help!

    1. Check job Application Details.

  138. Sir
    Mara talati na firm ma 12th na mark ma bhul thai che to sudhar va su karvu padse

  139. Hi,
    How are you doing?
    Will you be interested in doing a high-quality guest post on your site?

  140. Vishvjitsinh Thakor

    Mistake in Application form i have fill form with unmaried status but mail from ojas show married status

  141. Hiii…my application not found in forest department..& say your application is canceled..

  142. I want e-mail address of registrar(finanace) Gujarat High court

  143. I lost my talati cum mantri fee payment reciept… Is it going to be problematic at time of document verification…

  144. Hello can you help me?

  145. મુકેશભાઈ

    હું અરજી ફોર્મ ભરુ છું પણ જેન્ડર સિલેક્ટ માં ક્લિક થતું નથી આવું થવા પાછળ નું કારણ જણાવશો.. રી-સિલેક્ટ જેન્ડર પસન્દ થતું નથી.મ

    1. plz Check official notification and Ojas Registration Detail.

  146. Sir for TET 2 EXAM
    BA With Home Science subject but not seen this subject

    1. Reply please

  147. નમસ્કાર,
    SEB/202223/31 ના ફોર્મ ભર્યા પછી મે ફી ભરવામાટે UPI QR CODE વિકલ્પ પસંદ કર્યો હતો. જેમાં ફી ની રકમ મારા ખાતામાંથી કપાઈ ગઈ પણ થોડી વાર પછી Browser નું પેજ Loading થયું અને ટ્રાજેક્સન ફેલ લખાય ગયું. પછી મે E-payment Slip કરી જોવાનો પ્રયત્ન કર્યો પણ ફી ભરી નથી એવો મેસેજ આવ્યો હતો. તો કૃપા કરી મને જાણકારી આપો કે હું ફી ની રકમ Refund કઈ રીતે લઈ શકુ.

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    Confirmation number 82369826
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    we are facing problem related with the BMC fireman post.

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  151. Vishal Motibhai Parmar

    I’m already paid a challan for TAT-1 examination but it was not accepted but money was deducted from my account

    1. contact official department.

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